SolarPaces started with outstanding presence of ACSP partners

  • The largest meeting in the world on solar thermal energy resumed face-to-face
  • Hundreds of researchers will present advances in technology

Each year SolarPaces hosts hundreds of representatives from companies, scientists and researchers from around the world focused on solar thermal energy. The 2022 version, which is face-to-face after the pandemic, takes place in Albuqerque, United States and has a significant presence of members of the Association of Concentrated Solar Power.

At the beginning of the conference two ACSP partners were part of the initial presentations, Sergio Relloso from Sener spoke about hybrid projects and the experience of Fuerteventura and Solgest, later Johny Liu from Cosin Solar, presented the CSP experience in China.

In addition, four talks will be given by members of the ACSP in the following days of the conference. Giuseppe Casubolo, from SQM, will speak this Wednesday 28 about the “storage of thermal energy materials” and that same day, Francisco Moraga, from Fraunhofer Chile Research, will speak about the “techno-economic analysis of the integration of large-scale hydrogen production scale and the hybrid of a CSP + PV plant in the north of Chile”.

Meanwhile, on Thursday the 29th at 11:50 a.m. it will be the turn of the conference by Catalina Hernández from Fraunhofer Chile Research, who will speak about the “evaluation of the levelized cost of energy with the new costs for the power towers of the solar concentration plants in the north of Chile.

On Friday the 30th, David Wait, Nooter Eriksen Inc. will give a presentation entitled Techno-Economic Analysis of Integrating Pumped Thermal Energy Storage with Concentrated Solar Power.

Cristián Sepúlveda, executive manager of the Solar Power Concentration Association stated that “SolarPACES is the most important Solar Power Concentration event that takes place in the world, and offers spaces for research to show what the advances and challenges of this industry. The high presence of our partners is a demonstration of the importance of technology in our country and the projections it has for the future of our energy matrix”.

SolarPaces ends on September 30 and more details of the program can be found on the meeting website:

