Huepe meets with main actors of the electricity sector


Source: El Mercurio

Alejandro Zamorano, vice-president of the Solar Power Control Association, was present at the meeting.

An important meeting was held yesterday at the offices of the Ministry of Energy, where Minister Claudio Huepe held a meeting with representatives of the energy industry, to present them with the Pro-Investment work of the Ministry of Energy, which will run from September to December of this year, and was attended by the most important actors in the country.

All the unions of the sector participated in the activity, headed by the Association of Generators, Acera, AGN, Electric Companies, Association of Transmitters, among others.

During the meeting, Minister Huepe valued the organization together with the industry, and commented that the meeting “is essential for the country. Without this industry we would not have economic growth or development. We have emphasized the virtuous circle of investment, growth and development and how, in practice, with a concrete and specific work plan for this year, we will be able to move forward so that these investments materialize benefiting the entire population”.

During the activity, it was announced that from tomorrow seven thematic groups will start operating, which will address issues such as Public Safety, Power Regulation, Short-term Plan for Quality of Service, Local Production Space, Fuel Storage, Urgent Works and Permitting.

