ACSP Executive Manager before the Senate Mining and Energy Commission: “It is necessary to place a storage with demands to leave behind a gray matrix”

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-05 a la(s) 17.43.22
  • Within the framework of the legislative process that led to the approval of the storage bill, the executive of the ACSP criticized the criteria used by the authorities in the last tender: “Price was favored over stability”.

The Executive Manager of ACSP, Cristián Sepúlveda, spoke at the Senate’s Mining and Energy Commission regarding the contribution of Concentrated Solar Power to the energy storage process, within the framework of the vote on the Storage Bill and Electromobility.

Sepúlveda began the presentation by highlighting the attributes of the solar power concentration industry, noting that “it is a storage and then generation technology, what we capture during the day is delivered to the network as required, generally the longest hours of demand is after 7 pm or in the night block”.

Later, he highlighted the contribution that the Cerro Dominador project is for the national electrical system, since “it currently contributes 110 megawatts to our matrix, from the María Elena commune, in the north of our country.”

On the occasion, in addition, the manager presented to the members of the commission his observations on the current Storage and Electromobility bill, assuring that “it is necessary to place a storage with requirements to leave behind a gray matrix. I wonder how it is going to be injected, what will be the position of the batteries that are discussed in the project within the daily dispatch, because today it considers the marginal cost”.

Adding “will there really be a displacement of renewables, will it be a Pandora’s box like the gas law without flex, the one that had to be modified last year?”Sepúlveda took advantage of the instance to point out that in the last tenders the ASCP partners were left out, because “the National Electrical Coordinator has privileged the price over stability, we have affirmed that it is necessary to make a mixture of efficiency and security in the system ”.

At the end of his presentation, he pointed out how necessary the energy generated from Concentrated Solar Power, CSP, is, since “it is 24/7 energy, and it is necessary to establish specific tenders that demonstrate renewable generation 24 hours a day and with storage of at least minus 10 hours”.


