Frank Dinter, new president of the ACSP: “We need laws that allow tenders to be more flexible”

  • The Concentrated Solar Power Association elected a new board of directors

Attracting new companies to form the ACSP and thus grow and have more power as an association is one of the main challenges that the new directory of the Association of Concentrated Solar Power will have, as stated by the president-elect of the organization Frank Dinter.

Dinter is the general manager of Fraunhofer Chile, a prominent German scientist, Ph.D. in Thermal Energy Storage Systems Engineering and with extensive experience in the renewable energy industry.

In the current energy scenario, in which it is planned to change the Chilean energy matrix by 2030, leaving coal behind and using renewable energies, the new president faces great challenges.In this regard, the director pointed out that “we need to win new partners and also convince the authorities that we need laws that allow the tenders to be more flexible, so that the CSPs can be awarded them. Since photovoltaic and wind technology, although they produce energy for more hours, they do not do so at night, unlike CSP, which work just as coal-fired power plants do, since they can produce and store”.

Adding that “for me, CSPs are the best substitution, especially in countries that have as much radiation as Chile. They work like a coal plant, not with fuel, but with the sun, and without emissions. In large-scale electricity production, the only technology that works as well as coal is CSP”.

Asked about what the tasks of this new board of directors will be, Frank Dinter assured that “I have worked in CSP agencies and CSP R&D institutes, also with companies related to CSP and for the last 10 years I have been developing CSP in different parts of the world, where this technology has value, that is why I took on the challenge of the presidency of the ACSP to promote the qualities and advantages of CSP with the government and with companies to solve the problem of electricity production, based on renewable energy”.

The rest of the board was made up of Fernando González (Cerro Dominador), Jorge Nazar (SQM), Liu Shao (Cosin Solar), Alejandro Zamorano (Sener) and José Lobos (Tambo 3).
