Cristian Sepúlveda, ACSP executive manager “we have to be proud of the advances of CSP in Chile”


In conversation with DBOX radio, the executive manager of the Concentrated Solar Power Association (ACSP), Cristián Sepúlveda, analyzed the current panorama of this energy technology in Chile, explaining what it consists of, what advances it has had and what are the conditions that It would allow this industry to position itself as the giant that it is.

Currently, the Cerro Dominador project is the only large CSP project existing in Chile and Latin America. The executive, when asked about its characteristics, pointed out that “it is installed in the Antofagasta region, specifically in the commune of María Elena, whose operator is our partner, Grupo Cerro, it is the second tallest construction in the country, after the Costanera. Center, and its construction was quite a challenge, because building in Santiago is not the same as building in the Atacama Desert. Its bases are prepared to resist a 9.5 scale earthquake. “That is the scope of the technology and design of a CSP project in Chile.”

Adding that “the energy generated from a CSP tower is not only for immediate consumption, unlike other variable renewable energies, it is possible to store it and dispatch it to the electrical system, whenever required. CSP is an energy that works 24/7.”

On the occasion, Cristián Sepúlveda also pointed out the comparative advantages of CSP, mentioning that “in addition to injecting energy and storing the energy produced during the day, to use it in the night block, the industry is an enormous contribution to the economic reactivation, especially of nearby communities. At the peak of the construction of a plant, up to a maximum of 3,500 people are hired, and at least 100 are needed for its operation, so it is a tremendous impact for the communities surrounding our projects. As if that were not enough, we are in constant development to make our industry more efficient, as indicated in the latest report from IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), which shows that from 2010 to 2022 technology has lowered its costs by almost 58%.”

Finally, the Executive Manager of ACSP, Cristián Sepúlveda, referred to why he calls the CSP the Giant who has not yet stood up, ensuring that “we are like the matador Salas, with one leg bent and the other on the ground, because we have taken great steps, in terms of legislation, to promote our industry, however, we need to improve opportunities, that is why we ask that you not leave us on the bench, nor invite us to play in the 88th minute when we are losing 4 to 1, invite us to be part of the System from minute zero, to have the opportunity to win.”

