Chilean Ministry of Energy values CSP’s contribution to the national energy matrix

visita ministro

• Directors of the Concentrating Solar Power Association met with the Minister of Energy, Claudio Huepe, and discussed the challenges of the industry in Chile

The social profitability of the projects and the contribution they provide to local development highlighted the Minister of Energy, Claudio Huepe, on the technology of concentrating solar power (CSP), in a meeting with leaders of ACSP, where the main challenges that this technology has in Chile were also analyzed.

The meeting was attended by members of the organization’s board of directors, Frank Dinter, first vice president of the ACSP and general manager of Fraunhofer Chile, Alejandro Zamorano, second vice president of the ACSP and representative of Sener in Chile, and Cristián Sepúlveda, executive manager of the Association of Concentrated Solar Power, who made a presentation to the authority, which included showing a global overview of this technology, the different types currently on the market and the main projects that today  that are currently in operation and those that are projected for the coming years in Chile and the world.

On the occasion, the Minister of Energy highlighted the social profitability of Concentrated Solar Power, especially in view of the potential for job creation and the development of a local value chain as suppliers, as it is the case with Cerro Dominador, the first CSP plant installed in Chile, which has employed a significant number of women from the María Elena commune, close to the project.

In addition, the authority highlighted that the energy generated from the Concentrated Solar Power plants will be an important player in the energy future of Chile.

After the meeting ended, Cristián Sepúlveda, executive manager of the Solar Power Concentration Association, pointed out that “we hope to work together and in coordination, since we know that CSP has the necessary attributes that our energy matrix requires in this decarbonization process.”
