Cerro Dominador signs a Renewable Power purchase agreement with PF Alimentos


PF Alimentos just signed a PPA with Cerro Dominador, the first concentrated solar power plant in Latin America. That agreement, which will be in effect for 4 years, stipulates that 8 facilities of the centennial Chilean food producer (6 productions plants in Talca and 2 distribution centers in Santiago) will be supplied by Cerro Dominador, which translates into 65 GW-hour/year of 100% renewable energy.

 Cerro Dominador, which was just inaugurated, holds the title of the first Concentrated Solar Power Plant in Latin America, located in the Region of Antofagasta.  It currently has an installed capacity of 210 MW provided by 10,600 heliostats that capture the sun’s energy and convey it directly to the grid.  It was recently synchronized with the National Grid and can supply energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through a combination of photovoltaic energy and concentrated solar power.

At PF Alimentos they believe that the basis of the harmonious development of their business is to build long-term relationships with all the actors in their environment, respecting their life systems and contributing to the development of the country, that’s why today they are communicating the formalization of the supply of electrical energy for all its processes, produced from 100% renewable sources, free of any pollutant. In the words of Max Besser, Corporate Chief Executive Officer of PF Alimentos: “This PPA forms part of our strategy to become more sustainable in producing products using 100% green energy. This alliance with Cerro Dominador once again puts us at the forefront of the industry, thereby helping to spread the importance that more companies adopt renewable energy like concentrated solar power, which provides a permanent and stable supply; while at the same time, we are making our contribution to the country’s decarbonization.”

According to Gustavo Rioseco, Director of Energy Business and Management of Cerro Dominador, “Chile has started on the road to cleaner forms of power generation and a reduction in CO2 emissions, and Cerro Dominador wants to play a leading role in that challenge.  Our concentrated solar power technology means that we provide 24/7 energy solutions that are 100% renewable, and this agreement precisely allows us to work with our customers toward contributing to carbon neutrality.”
