ACSP about energy crisis: We need to have clear signals to incentivize new CSP projects


Referencial Photo. Solúcar Plant (Abengoa)

In the complex scenario for 2022 in energy matters, the ASCP indicated that it is necessary for the authorities to establish a plan that includes measures in the short and medium term, reiterating the need to deliver an assessment of clean energies that have essential attributes for the National Electric System.
The 2022 scenario in energy matters looks complex, especially about the country’s water shortage. This is in addition to the fact that Chile is experiencing a decarbonization process, which could even be accelerated. There are already several opinion that have solicited to authorities for immediate action and long-term plans to face the situation.
One of the points that ACSP considers important is that clear incentives be provided for the investment of new clean plants in the country that have the necessary attributes for the stability of the national electricity system. “The scarcity of water and the output of coal-fired generation puts us in a scenario where technologies such as concentrating solar power (CSP) are essential and it is urgent that there be incentives for clean synchronous technologies that attributes such as flexibility or stability,” said Cristián Sepúlveda , executive manager of the ACSP.
The appreciation of this would help, according to the ACSP, to encourage investment in the sector and thereby specify projects to be used to reduce the uncertainty that generate scenarios that Chile faces today. “We know that we have limited deadlines, but looking at the long term is important to face an accelerated decarbonization process and an uncertain water scenario due to climate change,” added the representative of the ACSP.
In addition, they valued the work carried out in the year where the technology could be considered by the PELP 2023-2027 of the Ministry of Energy with CSP configurations with 6, 9 and 13 hours of storage, which for the association is more representative of versatility of this technology since previously, the CSP was included with configurations of 11 and 14 hours of storage. In addition to the participation of the association in the work table organized by the Ministry of Energy and by the National Energy Commission, which analyzed the new power regulations. “We are on the right path, we hope to contribute with the CSP to face the crisis in the short term and also in the long term,” said Cristián Sepúlveda.
