Frank Dinter, ACSP Executive Chairman refers to the importance of CSP in the green hydrogen industry.


In an interview with H2News, Frank Dinter, ACSP Executive President and executive director of Fraunhofer Chile Research, pointed out the advantages of using CSP in the generation and use of green hydrogen.

This is how the doctor and engineer pointed out that “Concentrated Solar Power has great benefits, such as the capacity factor of 90%, because it produces electricity 24 hours a day. And in combination with photovoltaics it is also very cheap.”

Adding that “both qualities benefit the green hydrogen industry, because electrolyzers also need a high capacity factor.”

Let’s remember that electrolyzers are devices that use electricity to separate the hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water, and thus obtain hydrogen without polluting emissions. And therefore, electrolysis is the ideal process to obtain large amounts of green hydrogen efficiently.
