Cerro Dominador puts Chile at the forefront in CSP technology to export research and development

cerro webinar

Source: Electricidad (in Spanish)

This was stated by the CEO of the project and president of the Concentration Solar Power Association (ACSP), Fernando González, during the international webinar “How Cerro Dominador the first CSP project in LATAM, went online”.

Since its interconnection to the National Electric System, the Cerro Dominador thermosolar project became the first plant in Chile and Latin America of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), which puts Chile at the forefront in this technology and serves to export knowledge, development and research to the rest of the countries, according to the CEO of the company and president of the association that promotes this technology (ACSP), Fernando González.

The executive participated in the webinar “How Cerro Dominador the first CSP project in LATAM, went online”, which was also attended by Aitor Alaba, Managing director-Head Infrastructure Finance Latin America at Natixis, being moderated by Belén Gallego, CEO of Ata Insigth.

González highlighted the progress that the implementation of this CSP project implies, specifying that «it is important for Chile, putting the country completely at the forefront in this type of technology, turning it into a center of knowledge, research and development and at the end of the day it can export all this knowledge to other countries.

“We are very excited to be the first and we hope we are not the only ones. We want others to see Cerro’s success and become familiar with the plant, we are interested in learning more and continuing to build more like it. Chile is an ideal country for this technology, “he added.

Cerro Dominador has a total 210 MW of installed capacity, combining a 100 MW photovoltaic plant and a 110 MW thermosolar unit, with which it can generate 17.5 hours of thermal storage and is also capable of avoiding about 640,000 tons of CO2, “which is a significant contribution to the decarbonization process.”


Note:If you find any mistakes in the translation please write us to [email protected]
